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Writer's pictureAlicia M

Business Etiquette 101

"There are two rules in life: Number 1, never quit! Number 2, never forget rule number one."

Duke Ellington

Having proper business etiquette is a fundamental aspect of professional life no matter what industry or profession you are in. Making a good impression of yourself and your brand is incredibly important, especially when it comes to networking or getting sponsorships. But for those who have limited work experience, the learning curve can be steep. This article will explore the importance of business and give you tips on how to conduct yourself in a professional setting.

Have a Professional Appearance

Dressing appropriately for the workplace is a crucial aspect of business etiquette. This may look different depending on workplace culture, who you’re interacting with, and basic expectations from your role. Regardless of any variation in the above, you should always strive to look well-groomed and clean.


Be on time. Please.

Being on time for meetings, appointments, and deadlines is a sign of respect for others' time and a fundamental aspect of business etiquette. Tardiness can be perceived as unprofessional and disrespectful.

Know How to Communicate

Effective communication is central to business etiquette. Use clear and concise language in emails and meetings. Listen actively to others and avoid interrupting them. Always respond promptly to messages and requests. This will help you come across as more dependable and trustworthy.

You should make sure that you treat colleagues, clients, and superiors with courtesy and respect. Use polite language, maintain eye contact, and offer a firm handshake when appropriate. Avoid confrontations or arguments, and instead, seek amicable solutions to conflicts.

When it comes to emails, make sure that your email address is professional. This one goes without saying but think about if you were on the receiving end, something you made in high school might be the best foot to put forward professionally. Write clear and concise messages and avoid using all caps and excessive exclamation points.

Meetings are also a time when care should be taken when it comes to how others perceive you. You should make sure that you are giving your colleagues your full attention. Avoid side conversations, silence electronic devices, and respect the agenda and time constraints.

Following Up

After any meeting or interaction, follow up with an email thanking the other party for their time. Let them know about how excited you are to work with them in the future! Effective follow-up demonstrates your professionalism and commitment to building relationships.

Exercise Cultural Sensitivity

Today, you will find people from all kinds of backgrounds working in one place. This makes knowing about and respecting cultural differences vital. Be aware of cultural norms regarding communication, greetings, and gift-giving when working with international partners or clients. Cultural sensitivity fosters trust and successful cross-cultural collaborations.


Mastering the art of business etiquette is an important part of personal and professional success in the workplace. It goes beyond superficial formalities; it is about demonstrating respect, professionalism, and consideration for others in all your interactions. Knowing how to properly engage and interact with others is a valuable way to set you apart and foster and maintain professional relationships.

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